2017 just marked the 5th year of existence of RWANDA CLOTHING. On the climax of this cherished 5th anniversary, a fashion show was organized to showcase the SPRING 2017 collection – a “Best-of-5-Years-RWANDA CLOTHING-Collection” that features the new style of the most popular designs from 2012 to 2017. This awesome event took place on Friday, 24th of February 2017 at the BPN Multipurpose Hall in Kigali.
I arrived on location 10 minutes before the scheduled start time, 7PM. People were coming in, models were getting ready, good music was played and I just sensed that the following hours would be very pleasant. The introduction speech was given by the representative of BPN Rwanda, Mrs. Alice Nkulikiyinka, who welcomed everyone and congratulated RWANDA CLOTHING for 5 years of business.
Then, what we have been all waiting for started: models came on the runway – the show started. The biggest surprise was right before us: along male and female models were kid models with tailored to fit styles! Every single person in the audience was amazed and clapping with enthusiasm.
Right after the models at the end of the show, Joselyne Umutoniwase, founder and main designer of RWANDA CLOTHING walked in and was welcomed with a round of applause for the amazing collection she had just presented to us. In her address, she thanked everyone that has been with her through these five years. She also emphasized on how RWANDA CLOTHING is like a family and that everyone who was present that evening was a member of that big family which keeps growing even bigger. Then came the obligatory birthday cake. Joselyne invited us all to have a share on the cake and to spend the rest of the evening chatting, sipping a drink and thinking about the next five years.
It was time to go out of the hall and to keep the conversations around a drink. I took the occasion to talk to some people who had attended about the impressions that evening gave them. Gamma, a prominent model in Rwanda said: “This evening was special as RWANDA CLOTHING was celebrating their 5th anniversary. It is well known that they make good things, and this evening was no exception!” Gigi, another renowned model asserted: “The event was amazing. Actually how it was organized and how everything was on point. They are creative and inspirational, and I hope to work with them again in the future.”
Thibaout, a fashion enthusiast from Belgium confessed that: “I was pleased by this evening! It was a total discovery to me. I have some few weeks in Rwanda and I am trying to discover its faces, fashion included. I was invited by a friend, and I am so happy to have experienced this event!”
I managed to talk to Joselyne for a minute, and I asked her how she was feeling after this milestone accomplished. She replied: “Today was a really special day because we celebrated five years of the company. For us it is a big deal because we started small in a country where people didn’t really know a lot about fashion. It took us a lot of efforts to come to this level. Today was to celebrate this with our customers. It’s like a family birthday party.”
Oh, how about me? “Awesome” is the word that describes the evening for me. I am honored to be part of this beloved family and I too am looking forward to the next five years, keep sharing with you my perspective on this industry along RWANDA CLOTHING.
See the photos of the fashion show: SPRING 2017- The Show

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