Besides being a good role model in the Rwandan society for doing ethical and moral business, our education programs, creating jobs and so being able to support whole families of sometimes up to 9 family members (spouse and children) of our employees, RWANDA CLOTHING is further directly engaged in social work with its charity project RWANDA CLOTHING CHARITY.

We are constantly striving to develop and support aid projects. For this purpose we have initiated our corporate project called RWANDA CLOTHING CHARITY which helps the disadvantaged in Rwanda and supports them in their daily struggle for survival and better living conditions.

RWANDA CLOTHING CHARITY especially wants to bring awareness to the many disadvantaged young women in Rwanda

We especially want to bring awareness to the many disadvantaged young women, a lot of them being orphans and already single mothers, who are suffering in our community from violence and sexual abuse and who are very often the victims of torture or inhuman and degrading treatment by men.

For this purpose and to take account of the needs of the most vulnerable groups in our beautiful Rwanda, at RWANDA CLOTHING we initiate charity projects by using our strong presence in our home country to find sponsors and patrons who want to help and support with us. To create positive change in Rwanda we also strategically align with selected international charitable projects.

RWANDA CLOTHING CHARITY uses fashion as a platform to help

RWANDA CLOTHING CHARITY uses fashion as a platform to bring awareness to the needs of the disadvantaged and underprivileged in our society and at the same for the beneficiaries of our charity projects as an opportunity to design their better future. Our knowledge about fashion and our belief in the positive and helpful effects of teaching and educating especially women how to discover and develop their own creativity, gives us the chance to help and train others to become designers and tailors.

Therefore a former charity project of RWANDA CLOTHING CHARITY had established together with the L. Scheele Fond, Denmark, a fashion school in Huye (in the southern province of Rwanda) for more than 20 women who had been left humiliated and scared after facing constant violence and sexual abuse.

Those young women are to a large extend orphans, single mothers and ex-sex workers who had particularly faced sexual violence. Most of these women have HIV/AIDS. They acquired HIV infection by direct transmission through rape and being placed in situations where they were forced to exchange sex for survival, exposure to intimate partner violence, which in turn, makes it difficult for them to negotiate safe sex in their relationships.

Most of them reported to RWANDA CLOTHING having experienced acts of spousal violence – physical, sexual and emotional. More than two-third of those women have been also violated by someone other than a husband/partner and often even by their male family members.

With the goal to give those young women a chance of earning own income to survive with their children, we offered them education and training in our charity school.

Their learning of the basic competences in producing and selling clothing was accompanied by lessons about human dignity and the human rights. We want to contribute with the work of our RWANDA CLOTHING CHARITY, our company RWANDA CLOTHING HOME Ltd. and our RWANDA CLOTHING brand products positively to human rights, to the environment and want to enhance people’s lives and wellbeing and we are strongly committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct.

The best way to help others in our view is to always promote self-help

The best way to help others in our view is to always promote self-help and all beneficiaries of our charity work learn how to respect themselves, each other and their environment including animals and we promote teamwork, individual responsibility, and the strength that comes from creativity and the power of imagination and fantasy in our charity projects.

Funds generated with RWANDA CLOTHING CHARITY will only be used to help those who are really in need of help. All proceeds will serve to benefit especially young disadvantaged women and their children.

If you are interested to work with us in our RWANDA CLOTHING CHARITY project, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always open to new ideas for supporting people in Rwanda and if you have any ideas how to improve the lives of others, just let us know please – we are always happy to hear from you!

Author of this Article:

avatar for Roman SchulzRoman Schulz

I'm writing for this blog as one of the Co-Founders of RWANDA CLOTHING giving you background information and sharing my opinions about business

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