Yes, Love will inspire you to wear something that you feel will devour you with intensity when your lover covers you with his warmth, most especially on vibrant days like Valentines. It could have been your red mini skirt to lock his eyes on your legs, your tight crop top that hugs your upper waist into a small pearl he would hold all day, all night. Whatever you wore that day might have meant something to you.

You probably killed him softly with your red lipstick, your COCO CHANEL perfume to keep his nose interested. That time you were spraying the fragrance on your neck might have been the moment I was pulling up my floral sneakers on, and it took me a lot of effort not to put my jeans on until I remembered that day was the day of little dresses with pure and striking colors. I slipped in a pale purple dress and flew out of the house smelling like a rose blossomed in spring. It gave me a look of a young and charming woman without giving in tones of efforts for my loved one on that day.

It was the first time I celebrated the 14th of February. All I had to be that day was an easy going, sassy and charming girl for him. Y’all ladies know which side of you that makes your man fall on his head. The sneakers enforced my hype for probably running to him and jumping on my feet to surround him by my embrace. The dress suited with going on a date and alluring him with a bit of femininity. It was a combination that formed a theme of Young Love.

What spice did you add in your fashion style on the red and rose day? Was it your new gold purse or your blood red Louboutins? Your next Valentines will be for trying out something new and meaningful. I will probably pay a little visit at RWANDA CLOTHING STORE to see if I can fetch a killer outfit or accessory for the 14th of February.

Author of the article:

avatar for Olga Divine AgahozoOlga Divine Agahozo

As part of the Youth I have chosen to contribute to the rise of the fashion industry in Rwanda by being a Fashion Blogger of RWANDA CLOTHING to give it a loud voice, and let people express themselves with their own fashion styles

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